Prof. Ashutosh Sharma
President, Indian National Science Academy
I am happy to know that STARTUP MASTER CLASS (SMC) is being organised in Delhi with entirely an innovative Theme on National Missions/ Programs. I am quite excited that DST is supporting this Initiative wholeheartedly.
My association as DST Secretary with National Missions has been quite deep at their inception, architectural & policy stages. Science & Entrepreneurship must go hand in hand.
SMC has taken this initiative at a very opportune phase when all these Missions/ Programs are fast getting aligned with Country's ecosystem for a formidable Product India.
Research & Industry need to work far closer than ever before.
I am told that several Investors, Mentors, Incubators are congregating on Nov 23 at this SMC. Certainly, with close interaction with DST, it will accelerate the pace of Missions/Programs.
Looking forward to meeting at this SMC and wishing this Initiative to successfully create a big momentum for the future such SMCs at different places in India and also beyond.